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The Krya Classic Hair nourishing system

This post was last updated on August 12, 2021 by Preethi Sukumaran

“Dear Team Krya , thank u so much for your product. Both my daughters hair is so soft n beautiful. Couldn’t have asked for more. In love with your product. Thank u! Also I have to add the amount of hair fall has drastically reduced. When I used SS synthetic shampoo for them, esp my elder daughter, bunches n bunches of hair used to come out as I wash. Today I hardly had 5 – 6 strands in my hand (Which is very normal).
Also I need to know whether I can send this for my relatives in Australia. do pls find out n let me know. Thank u “ – FP, a recent Krya consumer.
Why does using the Krya hairwash cause an immediate reduction in hair fall? This is one of the questions our customer service team often asks during our internal product training sessions. Ayurveda considers hair an extension of the Shushumna – the Shushumna is considered the energy spine and along with the Ida and the Pingala forms the 3 mains “Nadis” – The nadi system carries the life force energies  / “Prana” throughout our body.
Hair is said to be an extension of this Shushumna, and it reflects the condition of the overall body, as healthy hair comes only from a healthy body. Hair can change because of an inherent lack of balance in the 3 doshas – this lack of balance can come in from what we eat, and the lifestyle we are wedded to, and can be exarcebated by the products we use.
Damaged, falling or prematurely graying hair is usually a sign of too much pitta in the system. This pitta can come from the food we eat (a fondness for and a tendency to constantly choose spicy and sour food), and the kind of work we do (working in a hostile environment, for instance). It can also increase by certain chemical treatments and products we use – hair treatments that increase heat (colouring, “deep conditioning”, excessive use of a blow drier) can also increase the pitta in the body.
For pitta damaged hair, we generally advise the use of cooling foods (ashgourd, pumpkins, fresh, seasonal local vegetables), the addition of herbs like Amla to your diet and a change in hair regimen – like adding a good herb oil, switching to a natural shampoo and boosting hair health through special herbs.
Vata is another dosha that tends to get deranged, especially in urban city dwellers. Deranged vata leads to sleep disorders and insomnia, and increases basic dryness in the hair.
Vata is a dosha which increases with the use of drying products on the hair and skin. Vata also increases in the presence of drying substances like synthetic soaps and synthetic shampoos with SLS & SLeS. Even in body types that have an excess of sebum, consistent use of these synthetic cleaning aids removes moisture from skin and hair leaving both dull, lifeless and with a tendency to get damaged easily or break (in the case of hair).
Oiling forms an important, inescapable part of a healthy hair regimen, especially when the Vata is deranged. For people with extremely dry hair or hair that has a tendency to break easily, feels frizzy and gets tangled easily and desperately needs a synthetic conditioner, we advise adding oil generously to their regimen.
Night time hair oiling is especially beneficial in these cases. This allows the herbs in the oil a much longer window to soak through and work on damaged hair. It also helps calm deranged vata which has accumulated through the day and calms down a hyperactive mind allowing restful and deep sleep.
Oil is the major weapon in the ayurvedic arsenal to control vata. Oiling is extremely beneficial even for the body, especially when you notice signs of vata derangement like frequent catches in the spinal system, an inability to sit still and stay focused, a tendency towards insomnia, etc. Traditional medicine recommends using cooling herbs and base oils like coconut, almond, and sesame for this.
In addition to our hair oils and hair washes, we have long been contemplating adding a nourishing series of herb masks for different hair conditions. We already have started this in our skin care range with our very popular after sun face mask and our classic face mask.
Every product comes with a basic core functionality. Most short action wash off products are designed to cleanse. So while we can add beneficial herbs to them, the action of these herbs is restricted because the product stays for a short while on the skin.  Plus the main function of a cleansing product is to remove superficial dirt and dead cells – so the herbs chosen help maximize this function.
Our masks therefore give us a way to load high quality herbs on skin and hair for much longer. Our after sun face mask for instance, uses our special medicated mung bean which steeps for over a day in herbs like lodhra, liquorice and Manjishta. Apart from this, we use expensive, high quality fruits like mulberry, guava and other herbs which cool skin, remove excess pitta which increases as a result of high sun exposure,  and bring the skin back to its normal state. Regular use brings down skin tanning and blemishes due to sun exposure. Obviously, the product works both because of the herbs used and the amount of time the mask stays on skin.
We already have a hair mask which is a part of our dandruff fighting system – many consumers report successful control and relief from dandruff when they use all three products (oil, hair wash and hair mask) together to combat dandruff. We have been able to make  difference in even decades old dandruff with our system within 2 – 3 months of regular product usage.
This week, we worked on another hair mask, this time as a part of our classic nourishing hair system. Our classic system already has our Bhringaraj and amla based hair oil and our ever popular Classic hair wash. We recommend it for hair that is reasonably healthy, does not have special problems like dandruff, and is not especially dry. Consumers love our Classic hair range because they notice a quick reduction in hair fall brought by the use of synthetic shampoos. The oil is also extremely cooling and beneficial for the scalp, and we have had good reports of improvement in hair texture and hair fall as a result of using this oil.
Our classic hair mask relies on both traditional and non traditional herbs and oils. We have added a huge amount of organic, shade dried red hibiscus flower – this herb is renowned in traditional medicine to cool the body and add texture and volume to hair. Apart from hibiscus, we also add the classic Amla and Bhringaraj which go into both our Classic hair oil and our Classic hairwash.  Bhringaraj is a master hair herb in Ayurveda, Siddha and TCM and it helps cool the seat of pitta, the liver and the entire body’s metabolism.
Our classic hair mask also uses certain unusual hair herbs. We add organic guava leaf which helps boost micro circulation, stimulates the scalp and aids hair growth (this also goes into our classic hair oil). Rosehips which are extremely high in Vitamin C, and help detox the scalp also goes into the mix. And to top it off , we add raw, organic kokum butter and apricot oil to add much needed texture and moisture to hair.
So that’s our Saturday update from Krya: the Krya classic hair nourishing system with a hair oil, hair wash and a hair mask.
Because, good hair (and good skin) comes with doing a few simple things, consistently, every day, and is built brick by brick.
Here’s where you can explore our Classic Hair nourishing system:

  1. The new Krya Classic hair mask
  2. The Krya classic hair oil
  3. The Krya classic hair wash
  4. The Krya classic hair nourishing system (a bundle pack of all 3 products)
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srinivas krishnaswamy
srinivas krishnaswamy

Srinivas is Krya's Co-Founder. He brings in a unique perspective to Krya with his dual Masters in Physics & Management.

At Krya, Srinivas is motivated by the challenges of crafting the company's DNA - products that delight consumers, manufacturing excellence, a winning team and sustainable profitable growth.

He is deeply committed to defining the first principles of Dharmic Entrepreneurship in order to build a world class organisation rooted in Indian Knowledge Systems.

Articles: 173


  1. How to use classic hair mask. Should I apply this mask on oily hairs or without applying oil on hair and what is the procedure to use all the three classic hair oil,hair wash powder and hair mask. Please help me. Thank you

    • Hi Sheela,
      We recommend using the 3 classic hair products as follows. Oil and massage hair well. On oiled hair, apply the classic hair mask. Once the mask is semi dry (moist and no longer wet), wash off with the Classic hair wash. Do not allow the hair mask to dry out completely on hair.

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