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urban living

A Convenient Diaper

Last fortnight we looked at the horrors of disposable diapers for the baby and mother earth. A quick summary of the inconvenient facts are:   and   For the longer version, please read the original blog post here. For those…

An Inconvenient Diaper

We are parents to a wonderful 13 month old. And not ashamed to admit that we were queasy about the prospect of diaper changes before the arrival of our daughter. As adults we live in a sanitised world with zero…

Mosquito Monogatari.

I live in mosquito land. Every monsoon evening, clouds of DDT swirl around the air sprayed diligently by the corporation workers to stem the mosquito population. Every store I go to has a new product being launched that guarantees a…

Ant Attacks!

A few days back in the evening, I opened my laptop and saw a long line of fierce red ants doing a merry QWERTY dance. It was nothing short of a campaign of shock and awe by these formicidae. At…


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