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product life cycle sustainability

How I switched : Anita B on reusable sanitary napkins

I had a careful order of articles planned when we started this month’s series of Re-usables with the series on reusable sanitary napkins. I was going to start by talking about the dangers of disposable sanitary napkins, introduce 3 companies…

Let it bleed: The Yang of reusable menstrual products

I can’t seem to get the phrase “Let it bleed “out of my head for the past few days. I was reading about the 1969 Rolling Stones album called Let it bleed” and shortly afterwards read the Ian Rankin novel…

An Inconvenient Diaper

We are parents to a wonderful 13 month old. And not ashamed to admit that we were queasy about the prospect of diaper changes before the arrival of our daughter. As adults we live in a sanitised world with zero…

Plastics Waste Management Rules 2011, and How You can Help

This is a guest post by Dr. Seetha Coleman-Kammula, Simply Sustain LLC ( Can we live without plastic packaging? “It is impractical and undesirable to impose a blanket ban on the use of plastic all over the country. The real challenge…

Minimising our fresh water footprint

Water conservation is very close to my heart.  Growing up in Chennai, I have seen conditions of extreme water scarcity. Some of my early memories include standing in a line in our street with large pots, waiting to fill water…

Extended Producer Responsibility : Part II

In the earlier post we introduced the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). From some of the reactions to the post, I am writing this follow-up post to expand on the idea. In one line, EPR extends the responsibility of…


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