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environmentally friendly

The Zen of Shaving

Somerset Maugham observed that “in each shave lies a philosophy”. In 2009, Haruki Murakami introduced me to this aphorism when he applied it to his daily ritual of running. Murakami went on to write that “No matter how mundane an…

Ant Attacks!

A few days back in the evening, I opened my laptop and saw a long line of fierce red ants doing a merry QWERTY dance. It was nothing short of a campaign of shock and awe by these formicidae. At…

Krya Sustainable Urban Living Guides

We have just put together first of the Krya Sustainable Urban Living Guides : an E-book on DIY Green Cleaners for the Home. This is the first of a series of free E-books that we will publish on sustainable urban…

Misty Mountain Hop from Peak Oil to Urban Gardens

Last night, our friends screened for us the 2006 documentary, The Power of Community. This film tracks Cuba’s path to self reliance from the brink of complete macroeconomic disaster. This disaster was precipitated by the fall of USSR in 1991…


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