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The big green switch – Sruti Hari , Goli Soda

Our series of posts on sustainable menstruation have covered 3 kinds of areas: We’ve presented facts about how disposable driven menstruation is un-sustainable, and given you charts, facts and blog articles. We’ve then featured pieces from actual women who have…

How I switched to cloth – Susmitha Subbaraju

We received a call yesterday at the Krya office, which made me understand the depth of the pot we have begun to stir with our posts on sustainable menstruation. An example of one of these thoughts / queries was a…

Let it bleed: The Yang of reusable menstrual products

I can’t seem to get the phrase “Let it bleed “out of my head for the past few days. I was reading about the 1969 Rolling Stones album called Let it bleed” and shortly afterwards read the Ian Rankin novel…

11.5 reasons to choose organic – and why we do

Curious consumers and retailers often ask us why we choose to use only certified organic ingredients in our products. The debate on using organic ingredients in our food is of course far less today. We have heard and read enough…

A Convenient Diaper

Last fortnight we looked at the horrors of disposable diapers for the baby and mother earth. A quick summary of the inconvenient facts are:   and   For the longer version, please read the original blog post here. For those…

Mosquito Monogatari.

I live in mosquito land. Every monsoon evening, clouds of DDT swirl around the air sprayed diligently by the corporation workers to stem the mosquito population. Every store I go to has a new product being launched that guarantees a…


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