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carbon footprint

11.5 reasons to choose organic – and why we do

Curious consumers and retailers often ask us why we choose to use only certified organic ingredients in our products. The debate on using organic ingredients in our food is of course far less today. We have heard and read enough…

The Holiday Eco Spring cleaning series – Part 1

This blog is dedicated to helping everyone lead a more environmentally sustainable life, no matter where they are. We choose to in this blog, focus on the unique travails of the environmental enthusiast who lives in a crowded urban city.…

An Inconvenient Diaper

We are parents to a wonderful 13 month old. And not ashamed to admit that we were queasy about the prospect of diaper changes before the arrival of our daughter. As adults we live in a sanitised world with zero…

Mosquito Monogatari.

I live in mosquito land. Every monsoon evening, clouds of DDT swirl around the air sprayed diligently by the corporation workers to stem the mosquito population. Every store I go to has a new product being launched that guarantees a…

The Zen of Shaving

Somerset Maugham observed that “in each shave lies a philosophy”. In 2009, Haruki Murakami introduced me to this aphorism when he applied it to his daily ritual of running. Murakami went on to write that “No matter how mundane an…


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