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Ant Attacks!

A few days back in the evening, I opened my laptop and saw a long line of fierce red ants doing a merry QWERTY dance. It was nothing short of a campaign of shock and awe by these formicidae. At…

Krya Sustainable Urban Living Guides

We have just put together first of the Krya Sustainable Urban Living Guides : an E-book on DIY Green Cleaners for the Home. This is the first of a series of free E-books that we will publish on sustainable urban…

A Deep Dive into Recycling

This blog is all about sustainable urban living .And the sustainability word that pops up first in our heads is “Recycling”. Recycling more often than not is ahead of words like reduce, reuse, bio-degradable, compostable and other similar noble endeavours.…

Encounters with Endosulfan

The endosulfan pesticide debate is trending in India and globally. All eyes are on India, which is one of the few big countries, that still allows use of endosulfan. Nationally, V.S Achyuthanandan, Kerala Chief Minister and the Left MPs have…


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