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The Ayurvedic Dandruff Primer: how an ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil can help heal chronic dandruff

This post was last updated on August 12, 2021 by Preethi Sukumaran

Looking for a safe, effective and completely natural ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil? We just finished making our most recent batch of the Krya all natural, ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil and thought we would share a small update on how we create our formulation, why it works so effectively against dandruff, etc.


The Krya ayurvedic primer to dandruff

Consider this your complete ayurvedic primer to Dandruff!

The Genesis of the Krya ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil

We started experimenting with Krya’s range of Ayurveda inspired hair oils in 2016. The first set of formulations we created after research were an ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil and an ayurvedic hair oil for premature greying and hair growth.

With R&D & feedbakc, we kepy on workingon and improving our ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil formula

Our earlier test batches were much more simpler formulations with 9 – 10 ingredients. As we tested, re-tested and kept on working on each batch taking consumer feedback, we worked more and more on the formulation and adding different kinds of herbs, fresh vegetables and fresh juices to make the formulation even more potent.

How is dandruff caused according to Ayurveda?

Dandruff is described as a minor “roga” in Ayurveda and there are several minor differences in the presentation of dandruff depending upon which dosha is aggravated. With all Dandruff, there is itching / irritation in the scalp, flaking of the scalp, sometimes thickening of the scalp flakes, and hair loss .

Dandruff can be of two types and are commonly called Dry dandruff and Oily Dandruff.

In Dry dandruff there is an aggravation in Vata dosha, caused primarily by the use of strong drying shampoos on the hair and neglecting regular hair oiling. This is further exacerbated by eating dry, crisp , hard foods, high mental stress, long commutes and a vata aggravating lifestyle.

Dry dandruff caused by excessive shampooing, infrequent oiling



Oily dandruff is often referred to as seborrheic dermatitis . This manifests as thick, yellow oil looking flakes, with scab formation and scalp thickening in these areas. There is intense itching and when the scalp is scratched, there is a visible sticky clump of scalp flakes that is dislodged form the scalp.

Oily dandruff has a Pitta-Kapha aggravation along with Vata aggravation. Pitta contributes the oily, smelly scalp secretions that attract fungal micororganisms to the scalp. Kapha contributes to the thickening of the scalp due to the oily, fat rich deposits in the sebum. Vata contributes to the scalp prickling and irritation and painful, scratchy feeling.

Oily dandruff is due to tridosha aggravation plus a fungal infestation

How oily / fungal dandruff progresses in the scalp:

When you have a serious Lice infestation or a serious Oily / Fungal dandruff issue, apart from scalp damage, you tend to see very high hair fall. This tends to alarm everyone and they seek to address this first – but we have seen that UNLESS the underlying issue of Lice / Fungal infestation is addressed, the hair and scalp health will become increasingly worse.

In the case of Oily / Fungal dandruff, the  actual problem starts internally . Perhaps due to an improper diet, lifestyle changes, there is an internal dosha imbalance. The quality of all secretions from the body (sweat, urine, semen, etc) is determined by the quality of food we take. So when our system has a pitta kapha imbalance, the sweat will also be rich in pitta and kapha based substances. To repeat: the  underlying body imbalance causes the sweat emanating from the scalp to have a composition that is sweet & fat rich. This attracts the presence of otherwise benign fungal organisms which then begin rapidly multiplying on the head.

Sweet oily scalp secretions attract fungal organisms that trigger dandruff

As the condition develops, there is itching, thickening and scaling of the scalp with thick, oily , large, creamy looking flakes. Due to incessant scratching, there could be micro tears in the scalp, which offer more food to the fungal micro organisms. In very chronic cases, at these infestation spots there is poor hair growth, and sometimes the hair falls out in clumps in these areas.

Challenges behind creating an ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil for Oily / Fungal dandruff:

We face a unique challenge in creating the Krya  ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil to discourage fungal dandruff. Ayurveda does not ever recommend the use of harsh “silver bullet” products which harshly discourage fungal organisms. As the underlying imbalance is not addressed, such products tend to give only temporary relief but also severely damage the scalp and make it very dry. This is why dandruff tends to be such a chronic problem.

A commercial Anti dandruff shampoo can be harsh and very drying on the scalp

The tricky part of creating an ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil is this: All ayurvedic oil formulations that encourage good hair growth essentially need to be Madhura (sweet), and Sheetya (cooling) in nature. But such formulations are tasty and give more nutrition to fungal micro organisms. So we cannot use a regular ayurvedic hair oil formulation to tackle dandruff.

Instead, an ayurvedic anti dandruff oil formulation needs to be bitter, slightly astringent and cooling in nature – this will cut down the growth medium of the micro organisms and encourage proper scalp growth without the thickening and flaking we see. To encourage proper scalp nutrition, mildly bitter ayurvedic herbs are used, which continue to nourish the scalp WITHOUT encouraging fungal growth.

Ayurvedic formulations to discourage dandruff are bitter, not sweet.

Therefore, our Anti dandruff formulation is HIGHLY bitter. We use different herb , fruit and vegetable compositions from our regular hair oils, selected to discourage the organisms we are dealing with.

 The Krya ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil : an ayurvedic hair oil made with 25 herbs + 4 cold pressed oils

The Krya ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil is made from 25 ayurvedic herbs processed in 4 organic , cold pressed hair oils. Some of these herbs are repeated across Swarasa (fresh juice), Kashaya (herb decoction) and Kalpa (herb paste) to increase their potency in the formulation. Each method of extracting them selectively extracts different kinds of actives from the herb / vegetable. The Samhitas guide us with the right extraction method for each herb – so for example, Bhringaraj is always used fresh as a Swarasa / Kalpa, never as a Kashaya as it loses its potency this way.

Krya oil is made using many ayurvedic extraction methods of herbs

For this formulation, we add a mixture of highly bitter , moderately bitter and mildly bitter herbs ! So we can see Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Ridge Gourd, sometimes Ash gourd and sometimes Snake gourd in the formulation!

Potent anti bacterial and anti fungal herbs like Krishnatulasi, Neem, Triphala and Desert date help discourage the growth of fungal micro organisms. Herbs like Jushta and Ratanjot soothe the scalp, improve scalp health and reduce the scalp irritation and itching we see in dandruff.

Moderately and mildly bitter herbs like Bottle gourd, Neem, Manjishta, Fenugreek and Ratanjot boost scalp health, help seal micro tears and improve scalp blood circulation and encourage healthier hair growth.

Krya ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil - made from 25 potent ayurvedic herbs and 4 cold pressed oils

 Tila Paka veedhi: the ayurvedic oil processing method followed at Krya that boosts nutrition

We are proud to say that we make all our oils using the approved Ayurvedic manufacturing technique of Tila Paka veedhi at Krya. In this method, base oils are slow boiled and “cooked” over 8 hours with a large volume of fresh herb juice (Swarasa), herb decocotions (kashayas), and fresh and dry herb pastes (kalpas). Generally the oil volume in this mixture is only about ¼ the volume of all other ingredients put together – this can vary depending upon application and formulation .

Tila paka veedhi is a potent ayurvedic oil manufacturing process

When the oil is processed this way, the nature of the base oils change completely. The addition of these different mediums of herbs (fresh juice, boiled decoction, and paste) delivers potent bio actives to the oil. Due to repeated boiling and stirring the oil is gently broken down over the process and the particle size of the oil becomes smaller, making the oil easier to penetrate skin and scalp. The oil also becomes less dense, less sticky and more penetrative.

Tila paka veedhi is a transformative process

The tila paka veedhi method is a transformative process. It transforms a good vegetable oil to a nutrition rich powerhouse – which can give your scalp and hair quicker and much more deeper and holistic benefits.  We use this manufacturing technique across all Krya oils to boost their potency and increase the bio availability of the herbs that are delivered via the oil to hair or skin.

User feedback for Krya ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil :

The Krya ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil has often been termed slightly unpleasant to use by many users because of its bitter aroma and fragrance, but it is loved for its very high EFFECTIVENESS.

We have been able to help even very chronic cases of scalp psoriasis, very long term fungal dandruff which has lasted for years. No amount of ketoconazole / coal tar products can work as effectively as this oil – this is something we have seen and experienced repeated with users.

The Krya anti dandruff hair oil - potent and effective against chronic dandruff

The best part of using this oil? Unlike ketoconazole and coal tar products, the scalp is left well hydrated and healthy. The regular use of this product promotes scalp micro circulation and boosts root health.

The Krya Anti Dandruff hair system:

For best results, we recommend the use of the the complete Krya anti dandruff system with the  Krya anti dandruff hair washKrya anti dandruff hair mask along with the Krya ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil. Use of all 3 products multiplies the bitter principle effect and helps effectively create an environment which is unpleasant for fungal organisms, helping solve the problem faster.

The Krya anti dandruff system : holistic and highly effective for chronic dandruff

The Dandruff discouraging Diet:

All dandruff starts with an improper diet which leads to the sweet / fatty secretions that fungal organisms seem to love. So it is important to watch your diet and cut down pitta – kapha aggravating foods like curd, cheese, sweets , etc.

Here is a quick list of foods / lifestyle modifications we suggest that can help fungal dandruff:

Cut down on:

  • Maida
  • Curd / yoghurt
  • Ice creams
  • Cakes, pastries
  • Sweets
  • Chocolates
  • Cheese
  • Paneer (especially if bought outside)
  • Oily , fried food
  • Do not binge eat
  • Avoid getting dust into your hair (cover with a scarf)

Ensure that you:

  • Eat strictly on time
  • Eat home made food
  • Eat food spiced with turmeric, black pepper, ginger and other Pitta-Kapha balancing spices
  • Include fresh Amla in your diet regularly
  • Drink warm water regularly
  • Have a light dinner, early
  • Exercise regularly to balance aggravated Kapha
  • Ensure you do a regular abhyanga to balance doshas better


To Sum up:

In this post, we have described how an authentic ayurvedic anti dandruff hair oil is crafted. We also discussed how Ayurveda suggests we tackle dandruff holistically, yet effectively.

As we have seen, when the right products are used along with the correct diet and holistic lifestyle, there is a more rapid control of the problem. If you or a loved one have been suffering from chronic dandruff and are seeking a safe and effective way of tackling this problem, do try out the Krya anti dandruff hair system.

If you have any questions on our products or how to use them, please call our friendly Customer Service team on (o)75500-89090 or write to us .


The Krya Anti Dandruff Range of Products:



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srinivas krishnaswamy
srinivas krishnaswamy

Srinivas is Krya's Co-Founder. He brings in a unique perspective to Krya with his dual Masters in Physics & Management.

At Krya, Srinivas is motivated by the challenges of crafting the company's DNA - products that delight consumers, manufacturing excellence, a winning team and sustainable profitable growth.

He is deeply committed to defining the first principles of Dharmic Entrepreneurship in order to build a world class organisation rooted in Indian Knowledge Systems.

Articles: 173

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